We must give Iran a clear choice: come in line with its international obligations and rejoin the community of nations, or face growing consequences. 我们必须给伊朗一个明确的选择。履行其国际义务并重新加入国际共同体,或者面对越来越严重的后果。
And thats why we remain convinced that this community of nations can deliver a more peaceful, prosperous and just world to the next generation. 这就是为什么我们坚信,国际社会能为下一代提供一个更和平、繁荣和正义的世界。
But if Iran's leaders do seize the chance, then Iran could take an important step to rejoin the community of nations, and we will have resolved one of the leading security challenges of our time without the risks of war. 但如果伊朗的领导人能通力合作,那么伊朗将有机会为重新加入国际社会而迈出重要一步。这样我们将不会采取武力手段解决这个时代主要安全问题之一的难题。
We can achieve them by looking forward, pulling together, uniting our strength as community of nations, in the name of the larger good. 只要我们以全人类利益的名义,向前看,齐心协力,作为国际大家庭,团结我们的力量,就能实现这些目标。
Indeed, the United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous, and successful member of the community of nations. 美国真诚地欢迎中国成为国际大家庭中一个强大、繁荣和成功的成员。
On the same trip, I had the opportunity to meet with young Palestinians in Ramallah whose ambition and incredible potential are matched by the pain they feel in having no firm place in the community of nations. 在同一次访问中,我曾有机会与拉马拉的年轻的巴勒斯坦人见面,他们的抱负及惊人的潜力与他们因在国家共同体中没有稳固的一席之地而感到的痛苦相伴。
The move was widely condemned by the international community as a violation of United Nations sanctions. 朝鲜的这一举动遭到国际社会的广泛谴责,因为违反了联合国禁止朝鲜进行弹道导弹试验的制裁。
The mixing of Chinese cuisine abroad and Western food here in China is a sign that China is becoming more developed and integrated into the community of nations. 国外的中国烹饪与中国的西方食物的融合标志着中国变得越来越发达,并逐渐融入到国际社会之中。
It calls for scientists and the international community to find ways of ending the'knowledge gap'within their own countries, as well as between nations. 报告呼吁科学家和国际社会找到弥合他们各自国内以及国与国之间的“(纳米技术)知识鸿沟”的方法。
I believe in a future where China is a strong, prosperous and successful member of the community of nations; a future when our nations are partners out of necessity, but also out of opportunity. 我所相信的未来是:中国是国际社会强大、繁荣和成功的一员;届时我们的国家将不仅是出于需要而且也是出于寻求机遇成为合作的伙伴。
Declaration of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania on the Participation of the Republic of Lithuania as an Equal Member of the World Community of Nations 立陶宛共和国最高委员会关于立陶宛共和国作为一个平等成员参加国际社会的宣言
I said [ to the G8] 'We have come here not as petitioners but as partners in a... fair management of the global community of nations', he said. 辛格表示:我曾(向八国集团)表示,我们到这里来,不是作为请愿者,而是作为公平管理国际社会的合作者。
And here at the United Nations, the new flag of a free Libya now flies among the community of nations. 在联合国,自由利比亚的新国旗与世界各国的国旗一起迎风飘扬。
China's leaders have committed not to devalue the RMB and China is acting responsibly as an important member of community of nations of the world. 中国领导人决意保持人民币的币值,而中国克尽本份,肩负起作为世界大国成员之一的责任。
He said the United States wanted Iran to take its "rightful place in the community of nations," but also insisted that Tehran do its part to achieve reconciliation. 他说,美国希望伊朗“在国家的社区中”取得自己“正确的位置”,但同时坚持说,德克兰要做好本分来取得谅解。
Its decisions, though not legally binding on Member States, represent the moral authority of the community of nations. 大会的决定虽然对会员国不具有法律效力,但却代表了国际社会的道义权威。
Neither the United States of America nor the world community of nations can tolerate deliberate deception and offensive threats on the part of any nation, large or small. 美国和国际社会都无法容忍对任何国家,无论大小,进行蓄意的欺骗和进攻威胁。
The world community of nations cannot tolerate this kind of flagrant deception. 人类世界不能容忍这种赤裸裸的欺诈。
In addition, it is a gesture of friendship and hope that the community of nations will unite in peace through sports. 此外,它是友谊的象征,以及希望国际社会通过体育运动进而和平共处。
If experience has taught them one thing, it is that there is not future outside the community of nations. 如果以前的经验曾经教会他们一件事,那就是:脱离国际社会就没有前途。
Whether the concert marked a tentative first step in North Korea's return to the community of nations we shall have to wait and see. 纽约爱乐乐团的音乐会是否标志着朝鲜尝试回归国际社会的第一步,我们仍将拭目以待。
We respect their rights as members of the community of nations. 我们尊重他们作为??际社会成员的权利。
These are all steps that can be taken by the North Korean government if they are interested in improving the lives of their people and joining the community of nations. 北韩政府如果愿意改善本国人民的生活并加入国际大家庭,就需要采取上述各项措施。
We will have a normal relationship with a sovereign nation that is a member of the community of nations. 我们将与一个作为国家共同体一员的主权国家建立正常关系。
Iran's leaders must now choose – they can live up to the responsibilities and achieve integration with the community of nations. 伊朗领导人现在必须做出选择&他们可以履行自己的职责,与国际社会进行融合。
In his article," Translation, Community, Utopia", Lawrence Venuti proposes that in translating, the translator should try to establish a community which is a bridge of language and culture between two nations. 韦努蒂在翻译,社区,乌托邦一文中,主张在翻译过程中,译者要试图建立一个社区,使它成为沟通两国语言文化的桥梁。
Female football players football skills alone is difficult to rapid development in all aspects of the community of nations. 女足运动员仅靠足球运动技能很难在各方面都飞速发展的社会中立足。
Persons with disabilities as an important part of the community of nations should and can progress along with the entire community together to share resources and social development outcomes. 残疾人作为社会大家庭的重要组成部分,应该而且能够与整个社会一起进步,共同分享社会资源和社会发展的成果。
Community lawsuit of contemporary nations are different in aspects of concrete form, system and procedural rule. Even their basic thoughts are diversity. However, its value and necessity is widely acceptable in law circle and legal affair field. 当代世界各国的群体诉讼在具体形式、制度和程序规则方面各有不同,基本的理念也有一定的差异,但是,其价值和必要性为各国的理论界和实务界普遍认可。